Subscription Plans
Proprietary Price Velocity
Proprietary Trigger Levels
Dow Transportation Average
Dow Utility Average
Global Index ETF’s ($49 bonus value)
30 day money back guarantee
Proprietary Price Velocity
Proprietary Trigger Levels
Top Stocks
Dow Industrial Average
Dow Transportation Average
Dow Utility Average
Global Index ETF’s ($49 bonus value)
Volatility Indexes
Sector SPDR’s
CBOE Gold Index
IBB Biotech Top 10
S&P 100
Nasdaq 100
30 day money back guarantee
Proprietary Price Velocity
Proprietary Trigger Levels
Top Stocks
Dow Industrial Average
Dow Transportation Average
Dow Utility Average
Global Index ETF’s
Volatility Indexes
Sector SPDR’s
CBOE Gold Index
IBB Biotech Top 10
S&P 100
Nasdaq 100
Nasdaq Biotech Index
3x Leveraged ETF’s
APT Scanner
30 day money back guarantee
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Price Velocity?
Price Velocity is a proprietary calculation, executed in real-time, that helps us understand when a financial market instrument is susceptible to sudden, sharp price moves. Price Velocity, as measured by our algorithms, tells us the sensitivity of price—both up and down—to buying pressure, selling pressure, and news-flow. The ability to predict future Price Velocity and through it the “path of least resistance” is the cornerstone of our innovations.
How do you use Price Velocity?
We use our Price Velocity Indicator in two important ways. We monitor divergences between Price and Velocity at each fractal price level in order to predict market turning points and, most importantly, we use Price Velocity to monitor tape risk, both up and down. Understanding Price Velocity is especially important prior to earnings announcements, clinical trial results and during periods when markets are focused on global macro news-flow.
What are Trigger Levels?
Trigger Levels are proprietary levels most closely resembling dynamic trendlines displayed in the form of price bands. Trigger Levels are calculated by our algorithms in real-time and are derived from price data originating at multiple fractal time periods.
How do you use Trigger Levels?
We use our Trigger Levels in two important ways. We monitor the stacked positioning of Price-to-Triggers and Triggers-to-Triggers in order to gauge trend strength and, most importantly, we use Trigger Levels to monitor Melt-up/Flash Crash risk associated with Trigger Cluster set ups.
What are Crosses?
Crosses are events that occur when Price or Triggers move above or below another Trigger Level.
How do you use Crosses?
We use Crosses as our buy/sell signal. Our algorithms have been tuned to understand each investing or trading vehicle’s unique personality throughout its history. Once the personality is understood, the algorithms gauge whether Price Velocity and Trigger Levels are properly positioned. If everything is in alignment, the Cross will initiate the trade.
Where Artificial Intelligence
Meets Trading Intelligence™